2 |
3 |
Hartsfield Cousins |
4 |
5 |
Updated: 27 Nov 2018 |
6 |
7 |
Hartsfield 1733-1800 |
8 |
this page. |
9 |
Hartsfield 1708-1790 |
10 |
11 |
DNA Cousins |
26 |
John Hartsfield |
George Hartfield |
Asa Hartfield |
H G Hartfield |
Asa Hartfield |
Cora Jewel Hartfield |
Aliene Hill |
jlwatkins10 |
1 |
12 |
Green hi-lite indicates the person has been
DNA tested. |
b. 1712, Philadelphia, PA |
b. 1735, SC |
b. about 1774, SC |
b. 13 Jan 1798, GA |
b. 24 Oct 1829, Sevier,AR |
b. 11 Aug 1893, TX |
b. 13 Jul 1915, TX |
13 |
Use CTRL-F to search for names or
dates. |
d. 1790, Dobbs, NC |
d. Feb 1789, GA |
d. Nov 1742, Fannin, TX |
d. 24 Nov 1854 |
d. 22 Jul 1898, TX |
d. 27 Nov 1958, OK |
d. 20 May 1962, OK |
14 |
m. Sarah Simms |
m. Mary Howard |
m. Louisanna Inglish |
m. Missaline Lewis |
m. Ray Orlando Hill |
m. Lloyd Everett
Watkins |
15 |
16 |
Links: |
John Hartsfield
1740-1790 |
17 |
Alden |
18 |
Allen |
Sarah Hartsfield 1759-1834 |
19 |
Anderson |
20 |
Anderson2 |
Frances "Frankey" Hartsfield 1760- |
21 |
Berglund |
Rowena Hartsfield 1760- |
22 |
Bolling |
Hartsfield |
Hartsfield 1761-1834 |
23 |
Bryant |
b. 1735, Wake, NC |
24 |
Campbell |
d. 31 Mar 1820, Wake,
NC |
Martha A
"Patty" Hartsfield |
See Mary Hartsfield below |
25 |
Carney |
b. 26 Apr 1763,
Johnston, NC |
26 |
Cary |
d. 30 Sep 1846,
Franklin, NC |
27 |
Cherry |
m. 1803 Jeremiah Perry 1761-1846 |
28 |
Clark |
b. 3 Apr 1763,
Franklin, NC |
29 |
Coppock |
d. 9 Oct 1846,
Franklin, NC |
30 |
Cox |
31 |
DePriest |
Hartsfield |
Hartsfield |
Edward N.
Cooley |
Jasper N. Cooley |
Helen J. Cooley |
Irma Estelle Davis |
Bobby Edward Owens |
sasdjo Owens |
1 |
32 |
Elliott |
b. 3 Jan 1737, Craven,
NC |
b. about 1764, NC, d. 1824 |
b. about 1805, NC |
b. May 1851, NC |
b. 2 Mar 1892, NC |
b. 8 Jun 1912, NC |
b. 6.Jan 1934, Wake, NC |
33 |
Etheridge |
d. 1 Nov 1814,
Franklin, NC |
m. Edward Cooley 1762-1834 |
d. 24 Dec 1869, Wake Co. NC |
d. 15 Apr 1911, Wake Co. NC |
d. 6 Jan 1988, Wake
Co. NC |
d. 19 Dec 2006,
Raleigh, NC |
34 |
Funkhouser |
m. 1751 Mary Brewer 1736-1800 |
m. Rayonell Geraldine
Moore |
35 |
Glick |
m. about 1758 Sarah Lynn 1738-1800 |
36 |
Grinnell |
Elizabeth Hartsfield 1795- |
37 |
Hanson |
Mary Hartsfield 1802- |
38 |
Hargrove |
James Hartsfield 1803-1836 |
39 |
Hartsfield |
Mints Heartsfield 1806-1866 |
40 |
Holman |
Cynthia Hartsfield 1808-1890 |
41 |
Hunter |
42 |
Ingram |
Hartsfield 3rd |
Hartsfield |
Elizabeth Hartsfield 1836-1872 |
43 |
Jernigan |
b. 21 Oct 1765,
Franklin Co. NC |
b. 30 Apr 1810, Wake
Co. NC |
John Wesley
Hartsfield 1837-1862 |
44 |
Johns |
d. 17 Dec 1862, Wake Co. NC |
d. 8 Aug 1880, Wake Co. NC |
Josephus Hartsfield 1841-1897 |
45 |
Kennedy |
m. Siddie Pitt |
m. 1835
Candice Smith 1820-1878 |
Alva C.
Hartsfield 1844-1864 |
46 |
Kemp |
Applewhite Hartsfield 1845-1865 |
47 |
King |
Hartsfield 1812- |
48 |
Mask |
49 |
Moore |
50 |
Neff |
Allen Cox Perry 1804-1889 |
51 |
Pratt |
Cynthia Perry 1806-1853 |
52 |
Rice |
Alfred N. Perry 1809-1892 |
Allen P Haywood Pvt 1839- |
53 |
Rogers |
Levin King Perry 1810-1865 |
Mary Haywood 1841- |
54 |
Scott |
Eliza Rush Perry 1810-1892 |
Matthew Haywood 1841- |
55 |
Selman |
Presley P Perry 1812-1889 |
Ada Haywood 1847- |
56 |
Taber |
57 |
Walker |
/ Martha Hartsfield |
Elizabeth Rush Perry |
Earnest Benjamin Haywood |
Hazel Haywood |
I Mays Jr |
hitshoney |
1 |
58 |
White |
b. 26 Apr 1781, NC |
b. 27 Jun 1815,
Franklin Co. NC |
b. 11 Nov 1851, TX |
b. 24 Oct 1885, TX |
b. 9 Dec 1910, TX |
59 |
Wilson |
d. 2 Oct 1846,
Franklin Co. NC |
d. 2 Dec 1892, Harrison, TX |
d. 8 Oct 1926, Fort Worth, TX |
d. 4 Oct 1969, Baton Rouge, LA |
60 |
Wilson2 |
m. 1803 Jeremiah Perry 1761-1846 |
m. 1832 Dr Samuel Ruffin Haywood |
m. 1877 Louise C Wetmore 1858-1892 |
m. 1905 William Issac Mays 1873-1929 |
61 |
Wood |
b. 3 Apr 1763,
Franklin, NC |
62 |
Woolf |
d. 9 Oct 1846,
Franklin, NC |
Levin Perry Haywood 1855-1929 |
63 |
Eva Haywood 1862-1936 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
Virginia Godwin 1840- |
67 |
Carolina B. Godwin 1846- |
68 |
Senova Godwin 1847-1867 |
69 |
Octavia Godwin 1849- |
70 |
Mary Perry Godwin 1853-1899 |
71 |
Joseph Godwin 1854-1867 |
72 |
Mary Olive
Hartsfield |
73 |
b. 11 Dec 1739, Wake
Co. NC |
Sarah Lynn Perry |
Sarah Wilkerson Godwin |
Belle Threlkeld |
Private |
jd75372 |
1 |
74 |
d. about 1740, Wake
Co. NC |
b. 13 Jul 1817,
Crossroads, NC |
b. 19 Dec 1856, LA |
b. 13 Mar 1892,
Higginsville, LA |
75 |
d. 8 Oct 1867, New Orleans, LA |
d. 19 Dec 1944, Tulsa, OK |
d. Feb 1981, Cortez,
CO |
76 |
m. 1840 Richard Wilkerson Godwin |
m. 1879 to Franklin Kenny Threlkeld |
m. 1924 to Emery Love
1892-1968 |
77 |
78 |
Mary Hartsfield Perry 1819-1896 |
Lillian H Godwin 1867-1951 |
79 |
Joshua Perry III 1824-1865 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
Emily Hartsfield |
83 |
84 |
Alsey Hartsfield |
Samuel R Hartsfield |
John J Hartsfield |
John Elliott Hartsfield |
female-Hartsfield |
lrclwsn711-Smith |
1 |
85 |
b. 1763, SC |
b. 9 Aug 1806, Clarke, GA |
b. about 1840 |
b. 1884 |
b. about 1910 |
b. about 1935 |
86 |
d. 19 Jan 1865 |
d. 21 Dec 1886,
Weatherfold, TX |
d. 1947, AR |
87 |
m. Clementine Smith |
m. Harriett M Witcher 1813-1865 |
James Hartsfield |
88 |
Martha Hartsfield |
89 |
Leroy Hartsfield 1815-1862 |
Nancy Hartsfield |
90 |
Mary Ann Hartsfield 1818-1902 |
Harriett Hartsfield |
91 |
Clementine Hartsfield 1820-1880 |
Samuel Hartsfield |
92 |
Chafin Smith Hartsfield 1823-1880 |
93 |
George W Hartsfield 1828- |
94 |
Richard Mariam Hartsfield 1831-1901 |
95 |
96 |
Ida Allen
Reynolds Young 1870-1946 |
97 |
Benjamin H G Hartfield 1798-1854 |
98 |
Anderson Hartsfield |
Middleton Hartsfield 1798-1857 |
Emma Lou
Reynolds Woodward 1872-1966 |
99 |
b. 6 Dec 1770, Surry,
Rowan, NC |
Nancy Hartsfield 1799-1873 |
100 |
b. 6
Dec 1770, Wilkes, GA |
Sarah Hartsfield 1803-1858 |
Herbert Reynolds 1875-1933 |
101 |
d. 21 Oct 1819, Savannah, GA |
Samuel Asa Hartfield 1802- |
102 |
m. 1796 Elizabeth Sheets |
William Anderson
Hartsfield |
Susan Eliza Catherine Hartsfield |
Wilbur Lawrence
Reynolds 1884-1955 |
103 |
b. 1785, Effingham, GA |
b. 29 Oct 1805, Dodge
Co. GA |
b. 23 Jun 1848 |
104 |
d. 2 Aug 1836, GA |
d. 16 May 1861, Monroe Co. GA |
d. 29 Jun 1903, Mart, TX |
105 |
m. Benjamin Franklin Reynolds 1846- |
106 |
107 |
Reuben Daniel Hartfield 1829-1886 |
108 |
William M. Hartfield 1832-1916 |
109 |
Harriet Hartfield 1834-1894 |
110 |
Reuben John
Hartfield |
Rev. Samuel
Asa Hartfield |
Asa D. Hartfield 1835-1889 |
111 |
b. 6 Dec 1770, Wake,
NC |
b. 1802, Horry, Horry,
SC |
Andrew Denham Hartfield 1836-1917 |
112 |
d. 1839, Perry, MS |
d. 1860, Marion, MS |
George Washington Hartfield
1837-1924 |
113 |
m. 1790 Polly Tresley 1775-1854 |
m. 1833 Nancy Olive Fillingame 1815- |
Elizabeth Hartfield 1844- |
114 |
Franklin Hartfield 1849- |
115 |
John J. Hartfield 1850-1916 |
116 |
Hartsfield 1771-1826 |
Ann Hartfield 1852- |
117 |
Catherine Hartfield
1856-1903 |
118 |
119 |
Anna Hartsfield
1774-1852 |
120 |
121 |
122 |
Ally Hartsfield 1775-1820 |
Henry Hartsfield 1834-1890 |
James Chris
Hartsfield 1869-1928 |
Herbert D
Hartsfield 1901-1941 |
123 |
Holmes Hartsfield |
Warren Jackson Hartsfield 1837-1912 |
124 |
Andrew N.
Hartsfield 1778-1815 |
b. 12 Jan 1807,
Wilkes, GA |
Sarah Ann Hartsfield 1840- |
125 |
Hartsfield |
d. 6 Jul 1878, Shelby,
AL |
John F Hartsfield 1847- |
126 |
b. 14 Nov 1741, NC |
m. Ann Embry 1809-1893 |
Martha Jane
Hartsfield 1850-1923 |
127 |
d. 18 Nov 1761,
Johnson, NC |
Alsa Hartsfield 1779- |
Louisa S. Hartsfield 1853-1901 |
Burl Gilbert
Cope 1906-1934 |
128 |
Martha Hartsfield 1813-1883 |
Ruby Cope Martin
1908-1994 |
129 |
Vernie Cope
1909-1997 |
130 |
Sarah Hartsfield 1780- |
Evelyn Cope 1912-1995 |
131 |
Bessie Cope
1914-2001 |
Donna Michelle Shook |
132 |
Mollie Anderson Ratliff
1856-1939 |
Troy C Anderson
1885-1942 |
b. 3 Mar 1955, Los Angeles |
133 |
134 |
George Hartsfield |
Hartsfield |
Milner Hartsfield |
Powell Hartsfield |
Milner Anderson |
Vermont Anderson |
Bertha Cope |
Barbara Fern Butler |
Timothy S
Shook [1] |
1 |
135 |
b. 3 Feb 1743, Craven, NC |
b. about 1785, Wilkes,
GA or NC |
b. 1817, GA |
b. 11 Feb 1837, Troy, AL |
b. 2 Jan 1861, Troy, AL |
b. 4 Dec 1886, Hawkins, TX |
b. 21 Nov 1915,
Binger, OK |
b. 24 Apr 1938, Austin, TX |
b. 20 Apr 1956, Tulare, Ca |
136 |
d. 12 Nov 1808, Wilkes, GA |
d. 9 Jun 1858, Fayette, GA |
d. 1889, Wood, TX |
d. 11 Jun 1896, Italy,
TX |
d. 15 Nov 1932, Manteca, CA |
d. 29 Sep 1931, Liberal, KS |
d. 1 Sep 2000, Vista, CA |
d. 4 Feb 1988, Orange Co. CA |
137 |
m. 1762 Sarah "Sallie" Sims |
m. Elizabeth Emily Holmes 1788-1857 |
m.Bethany Hill Daniel |
m. Josiah Worthy Anderson 1820- |
m. Oran Cleve Cope 1888-1980 |
m. Oscar Sampson
Butler 1914-2003 |
m. Ronald Duard Shook |
managed by DonnaJansak |
138 |
b. about 1745 |
b. Sep 1820, GA |
Frank L
Anderson 1865-1949 |
m. Homer Ezra Watkins |
139 |
d. 25 Nov 1815, GA |
d. 9 Apr 1904, Alamogordo, NM |
Olive Anderson Adams
1870-1913 |
Jesse B Cope
1918-1996 |
140 |
James F
Hartsfield 1838-1906 |
Hix Joseph
Anderson 1878-1962 |
141 |
Wiley Warren Hartsfield 1820-1857 |
Sarah Elizabeth Hartsfield 1841-1908 |
142 |
Elizabeth M Hartsfield 1821- |
Martha R Hartsfield 1844- |
143 |
Emily A Hartsfield 1828-1872 |
Milner Olive "Mary" Hartsfield |
144 |
b. 1845
d. 1921 |
145 |
Otis F Hartsfield 1856-1930 |
146 |
Dorcus A
"Dora" Hartsfield 1860-1922 |
Martha Clifford Hartsfield 1891-1959 |
147 |
Robert J Hartsfield 1894-1924 |
148 |
Cape M Hartsfield 1896-1918 |
149 |
Aaron Hartsfield 1840- |
Roxa Ann Hartsfield 1868-1955 |
George C Hartsfield 1900-1963 |
150 |
151 |
Hartsfield |
Hartsfield |
Hartsfield |
Robert M
Hartsfield |
Hartsfield |
Estelle Hartsfield |
Private |
Kimberly Gailey |
1 |
152 |
b. 1787, Marion, SC |
m. 30 Sep 1812, Marion, SC |
b. 29 Aug 1842,
Marion, SC |
b. 22 Feb 1871, Leon,
FL |
b. 4 Jun 1903,
Tallahassee, FL |
b. 21 Dec 1927, Bell Glade, FL |
153 |
d. 1840, Marion, SC |
d. 17 Jul 1908,
Tallahassee, FL |
d. 29 Aug 1907, Leon,
FL |
d. 18 Sep 1933, Leon, FL |
d. 25 Apr 1996, Lake Placid, FL |
d. 4 Sep 2014,
Altamonte Springs, FL |
154 |
m. about 1848 Drucilla Smith 1819- |
m. 1869
Easter Ellen Gray 1846- |
m. 1891 Mary Magdalene Hurst |
m. 1927 Luell Hicks
1912-1927 |
m. Truman Elroy Gailey 1924-1998 |
155 |
m. 1934 Edith Eloise Waldron 1917- |
156 |
Elisha Bergeron 1818-1881 |
Mary Drucilla Hartsfield 1871-1949 |
157 |
Thomas Hartsfield 1828-1908 |
Susan Hartsfield 1844- |
Nancy Elizabeth Hartsfield 1874-1948 |
Joan Hartsfield |
158 |
Nancy Hartsfield 1846- |
Ida Ellen Hartsfield 1877-1949 |
Paul Hartsfield 1904-1918 |
b. 23 Aug 1938, Sebring, FL |
159 |
William Hartsfield 1850-1920 |
Emma Hartsfield 1878-1942 |
Joseph Hartsfield 1907-1984 |
d. 4 Jul 2016, Sebring, FL |
160 |
Griffin Hartsfield 1858- |
Missouri Catherine
Hartsfield 1886-1950 |
161 |
Columbus Hartsfield 1889- |
162 |
Amanda Matilda Hartsfield 1890-1960 |
163 |
George Thomas Hartsfield 1893-1974 |
164 |
Lettie Lee Laird 1894-1964 |
165 |
Christopher Hartsfield -1990 |
166 |
167 |
168 |
Hartsfield Jr |
Hartsfield |
Jacob Hartsfield Sr |
Catharine H
"Kitty" Hartsfield |
Harriet Boley |
Lula May Caffey |
"Sherrell" Lindsey |
Private |
state821 |
1 |
169 |
b. 24 Jul 1746, Wake, NC |
b. 1772, Wake, NC |
b. about 1799, Oglethorpe, GA |
b. 1839, Shelbyville, TN |
b. 18 Sep 1859, Tishomingo, MS |
b. 6 May 1903, Anson,
Jones, TX |
b. Nov 1929, Anson, Jones, TX |
170 |
d. 20 Dec 1823, Wake,
NC |
d. 1842, Fulton,
Itawamba, MS |
d. 1860, TN |
d. about 1874, Booneville, MS |
d. 12 Dec 1951, Anson, Jones, TX |
d. 27 Jun 1982, Lubbock, TX |
d. 13 May 2013, Lubbock, TX |
171 |
m. 1768 Glashka Catherine McElroy |
m. 1791 Celia Sexton 1775- |
m. 1820 Catharine Hanna Spain 1803- |
m. 1858 Hiram Carl Boley 1825-1869 |
m. 1867 Edgar L W Caffey 1856-1911 |
m. 1925 Chester Lafayette Lindsey |
m. 1950 Mary Nell Jones 1933-2009 |
172 |
b. 24 Jul 1746,
Johnston, NC |
173 |
d. 1837, Bedford, TN |
174 |
Winifred Elizabeth Stephens 1879-1961 |
175 |
Thomas Stephens 1833- |
Levi Stephens 1880- |
176 |
Allen Stephens 1797-1824 |
John Stephens 1835- |
Josephine Stephens 1881-1907 |
177 |
Josiah Stephens 1801-1870 |
Eliza Jane Stephens 1837- |
Anita Melvina
Stephens 1882-1966 |
178 |
Wiley Stephens 1804-1832 |
Ester Christina Stephens 1844-1919 |
John Willis
Stephens 1884-1942 |
179 |
William Wiley Stephens 1804-1837 |
James Samuel "Sam" Stephens 1847- |
Goldie Mae Stephens 1888-1963 |
180 |
John Stephens 1806-1810 |
A Malvina Stephens 1850- |
Noah Franklin
Stephens 1891-1968 |
Edward Franklin
Stephens 1921-2010 |
181 |
Mary Ethel Stephens 1892-1965 |
182 |
Hartsfield |
James Frank Stephens |
Benjamin Franklin Stephens |
Jesse Oliver Stephens |
Daniel Floyd Stephens |
Lauren Jeannette
Stephens [2] |
1 |
183 |
b. 1775, Wake Co. NC |
b. 28 Jun 1808, Wake,
NC |
b. May 1853, Bedford Co. TN |
b. 15 Apr 1900, Galena, KS |
b. 13 Apr 1924, Tamaha, OK |
b. 20 Aug 1945, Solano Co. CA |
184 |
d. 1824, Shelbyville,
TN |
d. 1896, Dickson, AR |
d. 1921, Horatio, AR |
d. 19 Jul 1955, Monterey, CA |
d. 19 Feb 2015, Corvallis, OR |
m. Jeff Rose |
185 |
m. John Stephens Jr |
m. Betsy Pike-1825 |
m. Louisa Miranda Austin |
m. Jessie Belle Jenkinson 1902-1985 |
m. Geneva Pearl
Surratt |
186 |
m. Elizabeth
Temple-1847 |
b. 7 Mar 1927, New
Boston, TX |
187 |
Hartsfield 1777-1836 |
m. Nancy m King
Pendergraff-1869 |
d. 4 Nov 2007, Newport, OR |
188 |
189 |
Salley A Stephens 1810- |
190 |
Ransom Dawson Stephens 1816-1885 |
191 |
John Stephens 1819-1819 |
192 |
Franquilla Stephens 1827-1860 |
193 |
Ely Hiram Stephens 1829- |
194 |
John Marquis Lafayette
Stephens 1831-1922 |
195 |
196 |
197 |
198 |
199 |
Mark Grady Jr
1796- |
James H Grady
1835- |
200 |
Hinton Grady
1805- |
Washington Grady 1836-1886 |
201 |
Martha H Grady
1805-1880 |
Blake Grady 1838- |
202 |
Mary H Grady
1807-1868 |
Jane Grady 1840- |
203 |
John Grady 1841- |
204 |
"Biddy" Hartsfield |
Hinton H. Grady |
Caroline Grady 1843- |
205 |
b. 13 Nov 1779, Wake, NC |
b. 13 Nov 1809, Wake, NC |
Elizabeth Grady 1845- |
206 |
d. April 1850, Wake, NC |
d. Jun 1870, Wake, NC |
Frances Grady 1846- |
207 |
Robert Grady
Sr -> |
m. 1801 Mark Grady |
m. 1832 Elizabeth _ 1810-1860 |
William Grady 1852- |
208 |
b. 1725, VA |
b. 5 Jun 1776, Wake, NC |
m. 1868 Martha G. Perry |
Alsey M Grady 1854- |
209 |
d. 1801, Wake, NC |
d. about 1840, Wake, NC |
marriage 30 May 1868, Wake, NC |
Benjamine Grady 1869- |
210 |
m. Mary Ann Gray |
Singe Grady 1871- |
211 |
Nancy Grady
1810-1860 |
212 |
Rachell M Grady
1812-1880 |
213 |
Jailey Susan
Elizabeth Grady 1817-1886 |
214 |
Mark Grady 1820- |
215 |
Dennis B Grady 1824-1832 |
216 |
Penny H. Grady
1830- |
217 |
218 |
219 |
William Henderson Wimberly 1826-1910 |
220 |
Enoch A. Wimberly 1831-1866 |
Richard Owen Forrester |
221 |
John Wimberly 1832- |
James Lemuel
Forrester |
222 |
Major Harrison Wimberly 1835- |
b. 1 Aug 1934, OK |
223 |
William D. Wimberly 1801-1833 |
Mary Ann Wimberly 1835-eceased |
Nancy Ann Guess 1862-1862 |
d. 18 Apr 1999, ID |
224 |
John Wimberly 1803-1877 |
Hamilton Wimberly 1837-1865 |
Norma Ruth Forrester |
1 |
225 |
226 |
"Biddy" Hartsfield |
Harrison Wimberly |
Wimberly |
Mary Ann
Guess |
Jackson Loftis |
Jewel Evelyn
Loftis |
Dale Stanley
Forrester |
1 |
227 |
b. 13 Nov 1779, Wake, NC |
b. 10 Mar 1804, Polk, TN |
b. 18 Jun 1837, TN |
b. 6 Mar 1864, AR |
b. 30 Dec 1883, AR |
b. 29 Nov 1906, AR |
b. 21 Sep 1946, Humboldt, CA |
228 |
d. 1850, TN |
d. 15 Mar 1866, Opal, AR |
d. 2 Dec 1908,Opal, AR |
d. 22 Mar 1954 |
d. 5 Sep 1933, OK |
d. 1 Apr 2004, Saint Helena, CA |
229 |
Wimberly -> |
Lewis Mark
Wimberly Jr -> |
m. Noah Wimberly |
m. 1825 Mary Nancy Sterling 1808- |
m. 1862 Pier Guess 1832-1863 |
m. John Spartan Loftis 1859-1940 |
m. 1902 Myrtle Carriger 1884-1940 |
m. Stacy Owen Forrester |
J.F. [3] |
1 |
230 |
b. 1716, Bertie, NC |
b. 1738, Bertie, NC |
b. 3 Jun 1776, Bertie, NC |
231 |
d. 1817, Hopkinsville, KY |
d. 3 Mar 1817, Smith, TN |
d. 15 Jan 1850, Henry, TN |
232 |
m. 1757 Mary Hannah |
m. Martha Barbee 1750-1799 |
Joseph Wimberly 1805-1879 |
Hampton P.
Loftis 1885-1966 |
Lela L Loftis |
233 |
m. Martha Mary Barbee |
m. Mary Baucom 1780-1829 |
Lewis Wimberly 1807-1877 |
Mark M. Wimberly 1842- |
John F Loftis
1886-1927 |
Jack Loftis Jr. |
234 |
Jemima Jannet Wimberly 1808-1880 |
Lemuel Marion Wimberly 1843-1933 |
Charles Mark
Loftis 1896-1986 |
Ruth M Loftis |
235 |
Mark Wimberley 1814-1880 |
General T. Wimberly 1845-1900 |
Marion Hugh
Loftis 1898-1973 |
236 |
Rachel Hartsfield 1780-1860 |
Isaac Wimberley 1815-1896 |
Richard Wimberly
1848-1876 |
237 |
Sarah Hartsfield 1781-1878 |
Matilda Catherine Wimberly 1816-1867 |
238 |
Solomon Hartsfield 1782-1850 |
Elizabeth Wimberly 1817- |
239 |
Nathan Hartsfield 1784-1850 |
Catherine Wimberley 1821-1888 |
240 |
Sally Hartsfield 1787-1878 |
Sarah Wimberly 1823-1858 |
241 |
Rachel Hartsfield 1792-1876 |
Martha Wimberley
1825-1844 |
242 |
James Hartsfield 1797-1860 |
243 |
244 |
Ora Hartsfield 1801- |
245 |
Washington Hartsfield 1803-1887 |
246 |
Hartsfield |
Green Hartsfield 1805- |
247 |
b. 30 Dec 1772, Wake, NC |
Berry Hartsfield 1807-1858 |
248 |
d. 5 Oct 1847, Upson Co. GA |
Catherine Hartsfield 1809- |
249 |
m. 1796 Mary Olive |
Obidence Hartsfield 1811-1814 |
250 |
b. 5 Dec 1778, Wake,
NC |
Elizabeth Hartsfield 1813-1848 |
251 |
d. 15 Sep 1827,
Oglethorpe, GA |
Jackson Hartsfield 1815-1880 |
252 |
Henry Hartsfield 1817- |
253 |
Mary Hartsfield 1821-1861 |
254 |
Polly Hartsfield 1821-1869 |
255 |
256 |
257 |
Murray Sims 1797-1834 |
258 |
Bennett Sims 1798-1882 |
Minor Glenn Newman 1880-1956 |
Bufford Glenn Stephens 1912-2003 |
259 |
Sally Sims 1800- |
Minor Joshua
Stephens 1857-1936 |
Effie Frances Newman 1882-1983 |
Ray Sims Stephens 1913-2001 |
260 |
John H. Sims 1801-1802 |
Mary Frances Sims 1833- |
Charles P. Stephens
1858-1941 |
Grover Cleveland Newman 1884-1969 |
261 |
262 |
"Polly" Hartsfield |
Henry Sims |
Ann Sims |
Minerva Stephens |
Pellie Annie
"Kate" Newman |
Alexander Stephens |
Private |
B.S. [4] |
1 |
263 |
b. 17 Apr 1774, Wake,
NC |
b. 16 Apr 1803,
Oglethorp, GA |
b. 9 Jan 1836, GA |
b. 26 Oct 1861, Heard
Co. GA |
b. 13 Jul 1886,
Coweta, GA |
b. 27 Apr 1915, Heard,
GA |
264 |
d. 29 Apr 1855, Oglethorp, GA |
d. 6 Mar 1841, Clarke,
GA |
d. 25 Oct 1913, Coweta, GA |
d. 12 Nov 1938 Coweta Co. GA |
d. 7 Jun 1985, Coweta, GA |
d. 6 May 2004, Orange Park, FL |
265 |
m. 1796 Wiley Henry Sims |
m. 1832 Minerva Witcher |
m. 1856 Minor Murray Stephens 1801- |
m. Silas Garrett Newman 1853-1927 |
m. 1911 Alexander Hamilton Stephens |
m. Myrtle M Shackelford 1917-1957 |
266 |
b. 1769 Oglethorpe,
GA |
267 |
d. 5 Oct 1828,
Oglethorpe, GA |
Olin Newman 1886-1987 |
Minnie Lucy Stephens 1917-1986 |
268 |
Charles Henry Sims 1837-1927 |
Jeptha Joseph Newman
1888-1945 |
Paul Hamilton Stephens 1919-1987 |
269 |
"Biddie" Sims |
Wiley Benjamin Sims 1840-1892 |
Charlie Newman
1890-1976 |
Theo Atkinson Stephens 1923-1980 |
270 |
b. 21 Nov 1805 |
Nancy Eleanor Sims |
Minnie Salome Newman 1895-1975 |
Pellie Frances Stephens 1925-2016 |
271 |
d. 11 Sep 1889, GA |
Susie Ruth Newman 1897-1918 |
272 |
Mary Lillian Newman 1898-1987 |
273 |
Parthenia E Cochran 1829- |
Sims Newman 1902-1982 |
274 |
Sarah L. Cochran 1832- |
275 |
Julia Sims |
Helen M Cochran 1834- |
276 |
b. 16 Nov 1807, GA |
Emma Eliza S Cochran 1838- |
277 |
d. 5 Feb 1885, DeKalb, GA |
Samuel Wylie Cochran 1839-1922 |
Mary Frances Sims 1872- |
278 |
m. 1824 John H Cochran 1801-1882 |
Sandy Cochran 1840- |
Matilda Booker Sims 1872-1937 |
279 |
Parisade R H Cochran 1841-1917 |
Palatiah Ann Sims 1874- |
280 |
Almeda Cochran 1842- |
Thomas B. Sims 1874-1902 |
281 |
Julia A Cochran 1844- |
Charles Henry Sims 1876- |
282 |
Mildred LaEunice Sims 1877-1958 |
283 |
Nancy Eleanor Sims 1878- |
284 |
James Bulloch Sims 1879-1931 |
285 |
Wiley Benjamin Sims 1880- |
Cleo Harold
Morris 1904-1982 |
286 |
George Sims 1883-1883 |
Eugene Dorsey |
287 |
288 |
"Patsy" Sims |
Crawford Hitchcock |
Emaline Glenn |
Darthula Sims |
Ida Merle
Morris |
Bryant Dorsey |
David Bryant
Dorsey [5] |
1 |
289 |
b. 1 Jan 1810, GA |
b. 13 Aug 1827 [6] |
b. 1 May 1850, Oglethorpe Co, GA |
b. 10 Jun 1883,
Oglethope Co. GA |
b. 27 Nov 1908, GA |
b. 7 Mar 1936,
Madison, GA |
290 |
d. 27 Aug 1889 |
d. 7 Dec 1891 |
d. 26 Jan 1921, Colbert, GA |
d. 11 Oct 1969, Jackson, GA |
d. 27 Jun 1996, Clarke Co. GA |
d. 11 Jun 2003, Rockdale Co. GA |
291 |
m. 1826 Ranford Ellis Hitchcock |
m. 1842 John Glenn 1818-1896 |
m. Charlie M. Sims, 3 Oct 1871, GA |
m. William Berry Morris |
m. Henry Edgar Dorsey 1909-1967 |
m. Sarah |
Terri Dorsey Fannin |
292 |
b. 21 Feb 1808 |
293 |
d. 8 Sep 1878 |
Ranford E.
Glenn 1855-1911 |
Addie Charlotte Sims 1886-1948 |
Coy Hampton
Morris 1910-1998 |
Billy Dorsey |
Tracy Dorsey |
294 |
John W.
Hitchcock 1831-1861 |
Willie W Glenn
1863-1953 |
John Dow Sims 1889- |
Ina Sue Morris
1914-1937 |
295 |
Crawford Hitchcock 1833- |
Tallula Glenn Burton 1866-1942 |
Dell Morris Arrendale 1921-2002 |
Seaborn Michael Dorsey |
296 |
Hartsfield Sims Jr 1811-1872 |
Murray J.
Hitchcock 1836-1866 |
Eva Glenn
1868-1949 |
297 |
Charles Ranford
Ellis Hitchcock 1847- |
Ota D Glenn
1872-1955 |
298 |
A. Hitchcock Griffeth 1851- |
299 |
300 |
Frances Sims |
James Wiley Davis 1835-1870 |
301 |
b. 8 Jun 1814,
Oglethorpe, GA |
Isham Jackson Davis 1836-1928 |
302 |
d. 1854, Oglethorpe,
GA |
Sarah Frances Davis 1838-1886 |
303 |
m. Pryor Lansford Davis 1813-1890 |
William L Davis 1840- |
304 |
Mary E Davis 1843-1923 |
305 |
Charles E Davis 1845-1864 |
306 |
Andrew Jackson Sims 1816-1869 |
Robert Lee Davis 1848-1912 |
307 |
Nancy E. Sims 1819-1864 |
Zachary Taylor Davis 1850-1918 |
308 |
John Davis 1854-1930 |
309 |
310 |
311 |
John Andrew
Hartsfield |
Asa D Hartsfield 1804-1848 |
312 |
b. 2 Mar 1776, Wake,
NC |
Annie Hartfield 1811-1891 |
313 |
d. 27 Jan 1800, NC |
314 |
m. Elsie McMahon 1773-1851 |
315 |
H. Thomas Richards 1853- |
316 |
Martha Embry 1800-1863 |
317 |
Cynthia Embry 1801-1860 |
Mary Ellen
Richards 1855-1930 |
Cathey Boyd 1878-1970 |
Edna Richardson
b. 1905, TX |
318 |
Elizabeth Embry 1805- |
Edmond E. Boyd
(1882- |
319 |
Martha Edna Richards 1855-1945 |
320 |
321 |
Hartsfield |
Hartsfield |
Tillman Embry |
Rowena Embry |
Artee Richards |
Myrtle Boyd |
Columbus Richardson |
Private |
N.R. [7] |
1 |
322 |
b. 17 Feb 1748, NC |
b. 15 Aug 1780, Wake, NC |
b. 14 Mar 1805,
Coweta, GA |
b. 5 Nov 1829, Pike, GA |
b. 28 Aug 1860, Rusk, TX |
b. 5 Dec 1885, Coryell Co. TX |
b. 13 Feb 1907, Brown, TX |
323 |
d. 21 Sep 1821, Oglethorpe, GA |
d. Oct 1860, Pike, AL |
d. 7 Nov 1856,
Oglethorpe, GA |
d. 18 Apr 1918,
Brownwood, TX |
d. 6 Jun 1954, Brown, TX |
d. 3 Sep 1959,
Comanche Co. TX |
d. 24 Jun 1983, Odessa, TX |
Bobbie F Richardson |
324 |
Mackelroy --> |
m. 1771 Anna Temple McElroy |
m. Enoch Embry |
m. 1826 Paulina Ava Andrews |
m. William Jackson Richards |
m. Charles Columbus Boyd |
m. Jackson Monroe Richardson |
m. Olive Palemon Lester |
Lester Gene
Richardson b. 1939, TX |
325 |
b. 23 Dec 1717, Baltimore, MD |
b. 1751, Johnston Co. NC |
m. Matthew Sims |
326 |
d. 1800, Oglethorpe, GA |
d. 15 Jan 1799, Oglethorpe Co. GA |
Fannie Boyd b.
5 Jan 1889, TX |
Opha L
Richardson b. 1910, TX |
Larry Alba
Richardson b. 18 Nov 1941 |
327 |
m. Ghaskey Temple Hunter |
Enoch J Embry 1831- |
Joe W Richardson |
Glenda Rae
Richardson b. 17 Nov 1943 |
328 |
Anna Embry 1809-1893 |
William Embry 1833- |
Ida Boyd Houston
(1891-1980 |
Vera R
Richardson |
329 |
Talitha Emley 1814-1848 |
Henry H. Embry 1835- |
Willie L Richardson |
330 |
Rebecca Embry 1814-1840 |
Valinda C. Embry 1837- |
George W Boyd 1894- |
Dorothy E Richardson |
331 |
Salitha or Cynthia Embry 1819- |
Betsy A. Embry 1840- |
332 |
Enoch Embry 1822-1862 |
Henrietta C. Embry 1842- |
Oley Boyd 1898- |
333 |
Elijah Thomas Embry 1824- |
Perline F. Embry 1846- |
334 |
Robert E Boyd
1901-1987 |
335 |
Hartsfield |
Mathew Hartsfield 1822-1898 |
336 |
b. 13 Jan 1782, NC |
Maranda Hartsfield 1824- |
337 |
d. |
Celia Hartsfield 1826- |
338 |
m. Temperance Spaine 1786- |
James Hartsfield 1830- |
339 |
Henry Hartsfield 1832- |
340 |
Nancy Hartsfield 1834- |
341 |
Alexander Hartsfield 1840- |
342 |
Marthy Hartsfield 1842- |
343 |
344 |
Hartsfield |
William Sims 1804-1874 |
345 |
b. 5 Mar 1784, Wake,
NC |
Anderson Sims 1810-1899 |
346 |
d. 29 Apr 1855, Oglethorpe, GA |
Hartsfield Sims 1814-1887 |
347 |
m. 1797 Francis Allen Sims 1767-1850 |
348 |
349 |
Hartsfield |
Kesiah Olive 1807- |
350 |
b. 30 Nov 1786, Wake,
NC |
Elizabeth Olive 1809- |
351 |
d. 21 May 1848,
Oglethorpe, GA |
Mary Olive 1811-1892 |
352 |
m. 1806 Hendon Olive 1780-1851 |
Joel Olive 1812-1846 |
353 |
James Olive 1815-1903 |
354 |
Anthony Olive 1817-1898 |
355 |
Richard Olive 1819-1853 |
356 |
John Olive 1822-1874 |
357 |
William Hendon Olive 1825-1864 |
358 |
Franklin H Olive 1827-1858 |
359 |
Jesse Gibson Olive 1830-1893 |
360 |
361 |
Hartsfield |
Vienna Sims 1808-1884 |
362 |
b. 19 Sep 1788, Wake, NC |
Sarah Sims 1809-1882 |
363 |
d. 6 Jan 1831, Oglethorp, GA |
Mary Sims 1810-1870 |
364 |
m. 1807 Martin Sims 1786-1851 |
Wiley Hartsfield Sims 1811-1871 |
365 |
Mark Sims Jr 1813-1865 |
366 |
Eliza Sims 1815-1889 |
367 |
Haskey Sims 1817-1865 |
368 |
Carroll Martin Sims 1819-1883 |
369 |
Polly Sims 1821-1834 |
370 |
Malachi Reaves Sims Sr 1823-1869 |
371 |
Elizabeth Betsy Sims 1825-1904 |
372 |
Henry T Sims 1828-1870 |
373 |
374 |
375 |
Hartsfield |
William Hartsfield 1813-1868 |
376 |
b. 16 Jul 1790,
Oglethorpe, GA |
Catharine Olive 1814- |
377 |
d. 24 Apr 1860,
Zebulon, Pike, GA |
Eliza McElroy Hartsfield 1821-1891 |
378 |
m. 1812 Nancy Olive, 1796-1866 |
James H Hartsfield 1830-1864 |
379 |
Davis Temple Hartsfield 1832-1911 |
380 |
Wiley F Hartsfield 1837-1865 |
381 |
Sarah Hartsfield 1840-1915 |
382 |
383 |
Hartsfield |
Susan A Hartsfield 1823- |
384 |
b. 26 Apr 1794, Oglethorp, GA |
Cynthia Hartsfield 1825- |
385 |
d. after 1870, GA |
Mary E Hartsfield 1828- |
386 |
m. 1816 Elizabeth Whitehead 1797- |
Martha Hartsfield |
387 |
Sam Hartsfield 1833- |
388 |
Sarah Hasty Ann Hartsfield 1834-1914 |
389 |
Nancy Hartsfield 1836- |
390 |
391 |
Ursula Harriett Hartsfield 1841-1867 |
392 |
393 |
Hartsfield |
see Ghasky below |
394 |
b. 13 Jun 1797, Wake,
NC |
395 |
d. 10 Jun 1850, Caddo,
LA |
396 |
m. Andrew Hartsfield, 1771- |
397 |
398 |
Anderson Hartsfield |
Anthony Hartsfield 1815-1880 |
399 |
b. 15 Jan 1799,
Oglethorp, GA |
Richard Hartsfield 1815- |
400 |
d. 24 Apr 1860,
Zebulon, GA |
John Hartsfield 1817-1818 |
401 |
Elizabeth O Hartsfield 1819-1870 |
402 |
Martha Hendon Hartsfield 1823-1913 |
403 |
Mary E Hartsfield 1825-1898 |
404 |
Nancy Karen Hartsfield 1828-1921 |
405 |
406 |
407 |
John Riley
Hartsfield, 1822- |
408 |
William Jaspar
Hartsfield, 1824- |
409 |
Hartsfield |
Amelia Woods, 1833- |
410 |
b. 7 Feb 1792, Wake, NC |
James R. Hartsfield, 1826- |
411 |
d. 23 Aug 1856, Caddo Parish, LA |
Elizabeth Hartsfield, 1829- |
412 |
m. Ghasky Hartsfield |
Sarah C. Hartsfield, 1831- |
413 |
b. 13 Jun 1797,
Wake, NC |
Washington Hartsfield, 1833-1896 |
414 |
d. 10 Jun 1850,
Caddo, LA |
Andrew Sidney Hartsfield, 1835- |
415 |
416 |
417 |
Elizabeth Hartsfield 1816-1859 |
418 |
Nancy Hartsfield 1819- |
419 |
Simeon B
Hartsfield 1820-1891 |
420 |
G. M. G. Hartsfield 1824-1866 |
Frances Smith
1921- [8] |
1 |
421 |
Martha Helen Hartsfield 1825-1854 |
m. Frank Harmon |
422 |
Juliana Hartsfield 1827-1901 |
423 |
424 |
Hartsfield 3rd |
O Hartsfield |
John Henry
Hartsfield |
Jane Hartsfield |
O Murl Smith |
William Murl
Smith |
Amy Smith [9] |
1 |
425 |
b. 22 Jun 1794, Wake,
NC |
b. about 1827, Wake, NC |
b. 1852, Gibson, TN |
b. 23 Oct 1890, Hopkins, TX |
b. 29 Sep 1923, Sulpher Springs, TX |
b. 22 Jan 1948, Marshall, TX |
426 |
d. 13 May 1876, Henry, TN |
d. about 1890,
Hopkins, TX |
d. 1899, Sulphur Springs, TX |
d. 3 Nov 1978, Santa Cruz, CA |
d. 14 Mar 2001, Jacksonville, FL |
d. 18 Feb 2003, Jacksonville Beach, FL |
427 |
m. 1815 Gilley Olive 1797-1880 |
m. 1849 Martha Elizabeth Simmons |
m. 1880 to Jennie H Shanklin |
m. 1912 to Elbert Osie Smith |
m. 1944 Alma Jane Martin 1924-2007 |
428 |
Sandra M Smith |
429 |
Gillie Ann Hartsfield 1829-1870 |
Rose Marie
Smith 1929- |
430 |
Crotilda Flotilla Hartsfield 1831- |
Gale Smith |
1 |
431 |
James Richard
Warren, 1837-1870 |
432 |
McPhetters Warren, 1838-1919 |
433 |
Mary Warren, 1841- |
434 |
Eleanor Blake, 1816-1854 |
Margaret Warren, 1843-1916 |
435 |
Blake, 1822- |
Susan Warren, 1845- |
436 |
Albert G Blake 1825- |
William Warren, 1846- |
437 |
Addison Blake,
1827- |
Andamarus Warren, 1848- |
438 |
Cynthia Hartsfield |
Dempsey H
Blake 1828-1901 |
Fatima Warren, 1849- |
439 |
b. 29 Dec1796, Wake, NC |
John S Blake,
1831- |
Dempsy Warren, 1851- |
440 |
d. 19 Feb 1880, Gibson, TN |
Mary M Blake, 1834- |
Sarah Frances
Warren, 1854-1939 |
441 |
m. 26 Jan 1814 Asa Blake, 1795-1850 |
Williamson A Blake, 1836-1877 |
Kate Warren,
1856-1928 |
442 |
443 |
Virgial G Sorrell |
444 |
Woodroe W Sorrell |
445 |
446 |
Katherine Keziah
Hartsfield |
Biddy Hill |
John Louis Sorrell |
Herbert Richardson Sorrell |
Eleanor Maud Sorrell |
P.B. [10] |
1 |
447 |
b. 1798, Wake, NC |
b. 2 Jul 1821, Wake,
MC |
b. 1 Apr 1855, Wake, NC |
b. 30 Jul 1883, Wake, Co. NC |
b. 28 Nov 1916,
Wake, NC |
448 |
Georgeus Hartsfelder |
Hartsfield |
d. Aug 1856, Wake Co. NC |
d. 8 Feb 1908, Wake C.
NC |
d. 5 Dec 1918, Wale, NC |
m. Iola M. |
d. 25 Dec 1988,
Raleigh, NC |
449 |
b. 1654, Wussinger, Germany |
b. 1685, Germantown,
PA |
m. Wiley Hill |
marriage 10 Nov 1843,
Wake, NC |
marriage 9 Jan 1879,
Wake, NC |
marriage 23 Nov 1949, Sanford, NC |
450 |
d. 1690, Chester, PA |
d. 1745, Johnston, NC |
m. Matthew Thomas Sorrell |
m. Sallie Moore Lee |
m. Oliver Dee Bailey |
451 |
m. 1678 Margaret |
m. 1710 Katherine Walker |
452 |
b. 1690, Waterford,
NJ |
Andrew Hartsfield |
Hartsfield |
Hartsfield |
James M. Johns |
Albright R Sorrell |
453 |
d. 14 Oct 1717, NC |
b. 3 Jan 1713, Philadelphia, PA |
b. 4 Sep 1751, Wake,
NC |
b. 4 Oct 1801, Wake Co.NC |
b. 1831 |
Mary L Sorrell |
454 |
d. 11 Nov 1761, Wake Co. NC |
d. 4 Apr 1821,
Johnson, NC |
d. 17 Oct 1875, Winnsboro, TX |
455 |
marriage 1734,
Baltimore, MD |
marriage 22 Feb 1790, Wake Co. NC |
marriage 29 Nov 1819,
Wake, NC |
-- Go To Johns Page -- |
456 |
Joseph B
Lynn --> |
m. 1736 Sarah Lynn |
m. Mary "Polly" Riley |
m. Jesse Burton Johns |
457 |
b. 14 Jun 1691 |
b. 1717, Baltimore, MD |
b. about 1759, Wake, NC |
b. 12 Nov 1794,
Campbell Co. VA |
Sarah DePriest Johns |
Lucy A Ingram |
Birdie Nell Jernigan |
Clyde Elliott Jr. |
Private |
1 |
458 |
d. 12 Aug 1742, Philadelphia, PA |
d. Mar 1759,
Johnston Co. NC |
d. Dec 1854, Wake Co. NC [11] |
d. 3 Nov 1879, Winnsboro, TX |
b. 5 Mar 1825, NC |
b. 21 Dec 1863 |
b. 20 Dec 1901,
Panola Co. TX |
b. 29 Sep 1924, Grand Saline, TX |
459 |
m. Sarah Marshall |
aka: Polly Tresley |
d. 2 Jul 1882,
Panola, TX |
d. 1 Jan 1932, Panola Co. TX |
d. 27 Nov 1978, Canton, TX |
d. 15 Jan 1994, Van Zandt, TX |
460 |
m. Martha Hill |
m. Elijah Ingram |
m. Roliff Wellington Jernigan |
m. William Clyde
Elliott Sr |
m. Edith Graham Batchelder |
461 |
-- Go To Riley page -- |
462 |
Hartsfield |
7 children |
463 |
b. 6 Jun 1805, Wake, NC |
464 |
d. 26 Jul 1891,
Brazil, TN |
465 |
m. Penny Simmons
1806-1891 |
466 |
Martha Helen Hartsfield 1833-1896 |
467 |
468 |
Hartsfield 1808-1854 |
Mary Hartsfield 1842- |
469 |
b. 1808, Wake Co. NC |
John Edwards Hartsfiedl 1845- |
470 |
d. Dec 1864, Henry Co.
TN |
William James Hartsfield 1848-1930 |
471 |
m. 1831 Nancy Todd |
James P Hartsfield 1852-1926 |
472 |
m. 1838 Delia House
1818-1881 |
Penelope Annie Hartsfield 1855- |
473 |
Rachel H Hartsfield 1859-1939 |
Mary Adella
Smith 1875-1953 |
474 |
Henry N Hartsfield 1860- |
475 |
William Amos
Smith |
476 |
b. Mar 1879, GA |
477 |
Hartsfield |
Sarah Smith 1765- |
d. 1904 |
478 |
b. 20 Oct 1753,
Johnston, NC |
Clementine Smith 1788-1861 |
479 |
d. about 1825 |
Robert John
Smith |
480 |
m. Chapin Smith |
b. about 1879, GA |
481 |
b. about 1750,
Johnston, NC |
d. 29 Sep 1928, Union, SC |
482 |
Josiah H.
Scoggin 1801-1850 |
483 |
James Giles
Smith 1882-1925 |
484 |
Young Scoggin
1802-1860 |
Mary E Smith 1918-1981 |
485 |
Tabitha Smith |
486 |
Sander J
Scoggin 1804-1862 |
b. Jan 1887, SC |
Bertha "Bert" Elvin Smith |
487 |
d. 1964 |
b. 11 Mar 1920, NC |
488 |
James J.
Scoggin 1805-1862 |
d. 5 Sep 1982, Forest Park, GA |
489 |
Sarah Octavia
Fewell Smith |
m. David L Coleman |
490 |
Hartsfield |
Sarah E
"Sally" Hendon |
Scoggin |
b. Dec 1889, SC |
m. Howard E Cannon |
491 |
b. 26 Feb 1759, Jackson, NC |
b. about 1778, Oglethorpe Co. GA |
b. 1806, Troup,
Oglethorp Co. GA |
d. 1956 |
492 |
d. 27 Sep 1743, Troup Co. GA |
d. about 1821, Clarke
Co. GA |
d. unknown |
493 |
m. 1776 Robinson Hendon 1751-1832 |
m. 1800 Millington Scoggin |
m. 1826 Blake J Cooper |
Sarah B
Cooper |
Blake Clator
Smith |
Stevenson "Elvin" Smith Sr |
Stevenson Smith Jr |
Stevenson Smith III |
494 |
b. 1803, Troup, GA |
b. 28 Dec 1831, GA |
b. 24 Sep 1852, Walton, GA |
b. 27 Jul 1892, Cleveland, NC |
b. 14 Jan 1926,
Mecklenburg, NC |
b. 25 Sep 1945,
Spartanburg, SC |
495 |
m. 1830 Martha Woodriff 1810- |
d. 2 May 1897, Cleveland, NC |
d. 6 Jan 1925, Union, SC |
d. 20 Feb 1947,
Spartanburg, SC |
d. 15 Feb 1984, Spartanburg, SC |
d. 9 Jan 2009, Spartanburg, SC |
496 |
m. 1851 Samuel Amos Smith |
m. 1875 Mary Elizabeth Giles 1855- |
m. Mattie J Thompson |
m. 1944 Laurine Diamond |
m. Kay Ballenger |
497 |
m. Maggie Turner 1896- |
b. 22 Jun 1925,
Butler, AL |
498 |
Elizabeth A.
Cooper 1835- |
William Hill
Smith 1855- |
d. 18 Nov 2010, Inman, SC |
John G. Smith Sr |
499 |
Henry J. Cooper
1837- |
Charles Frank
Smith 1856-1939 |
George VanBuren
Smith |
b. about 1960, SC |
500 |
Virgil A Cooper
1838-1912 |
Wesley Hill
Smith 1861-1940 |
b. 1897, NC |
Smith [12] |
1 |
501 |
Francis M.
Cooper 1840- |
Sarah F Smith
1861- |
d, 1941 |
b. 1962 |
502 |
m. John Martin |
503 |
504 |
505 |
506 |
Hendon Scogin 1884-1887 |
507 |
508 |
Hendon Scoggin, Sr |
Hendon Scoggin, Jr |
Truman Scogin |
Merle Ernestine Davis |
Fern Logan |
B.H. [13] |
1 |
509 |
b. 23 Aug 1808, GA |
b. Oct 1849, Panola,
MS |
b. 6 Jan 1886, Tillatoba, MS |
b. 16 Apr 1913, Alba, TX |
b. 1938, AZ |
510 |
d. 11 Jan 1883, Tillatoba, MS |
d. Mar 1901, Courtland, MS |
d. 17 May 1942, Fannin, TX |
d. 10 Feb 1983, Hugo, OK |
511 |
m. 1834 Catherine Smith 1814- |
m. 1882 Nancy Pamela Todd |
m. Charles Newton Davis 1870-1942 |
512 |
513 |
Scoggins |
Henry Lawrence Logan 1941-1991 |
514 |
b. 12 Nov 1810, Troup,
GA |
Todd Bobo
Scogin 1887-1889 |
515 |
d. 1860, Marshal, MS |
Aubrey Scogin 1889-1972 |
516 |
Walter Conrad
Scogin 1891-1963 |
517 |
Washington Scoggins 1811-1864 |
Lafayette Scogin 1896-1984 |
518 |
519 |
Martha Harriet
Scoggins 1816-1882 |
520 |
521 |
Thomas B Hendon 1828- |
522 |
Andrew Jackson Hendon 1829-1889 |
523 |
John T Hendon 1832-1910 |
524 |
Martha Jane Hendon 1834- |
525 |
William Hendon
1801-1882 |
William Hendon 1835-1836 |
526 |
Susannah Hendon 1802-1861 |
Wiley T Hendon 1836- |
527 |
528 |
529 |
Hendon |
Harris Jonathan
Hendon |
Hendon |
Elizabeth Rebecca McGee |
Bunyan Ingram |
Bernice Ingram |
L.M. [14] |
1 |
530 |
b. 31 Mar 1779, Wake, NC |
b. 5 Sep 1804, Cloud Creek, GA |
b. 9 Mar 1839, Oakville, AL |
b. 12 Sep 1859,
Panola, TX |
b. 10 Nov 1885, TX |
b. 5 Jan 1913, Panola,
TX |
531 |
d. 10 Dec 1860,
Walker, AL |
d. Cherokee, TX |
d. 6 Sep 1860, Panola,
TX |
d. 1 Oct 1906, Panola,
TX |
d. 20 Nov 1961, LA |
d. 12 Jun 1974, LA |
532 |
m. 1800 Sarah Scoggin 1780-1856 |
m 1924 Mary Harris
1785-1826 |
m. 1855 to Hilliard J McGee |
m. 1874 Richard Baxter Ingram |
Hudson 1886-1975 |
m. Alvin Lewis Register |
533 |
m. 1827 to Lycinthia
Dean 1808-1845 |
m. 1940 Reginald Hardy Teer |
534 |
535 |
536 |
Willis Hendon
1806-1870 |
James Hendon 1840-1910 |
Clara Alexander
1874-1936 |
537 |
Mary Polly Hendon 1808-1888 |
Ruben Hilliard
Hendon 1843- |
Lula A Alexander 1877-1918 |
538 |
Jefferson Alexander 1879-1965 |
539 |
540 |
Hendon |
Roberson Alexander |
Bowers Alexander |
Mable Alexander |
Curtis Haw Briggs |
Lloyd Odell Briggs [15] |
1 |
541 |
b. 20 Feb 1810, Oglethorpe, GA |
b. 6 Jan 1845, Walker, AL |
b. 30 Apr 1886, Panola
Co. TX |
b. 11 Mar 1904, DeBerry, TX |
b. 30 Sep 1929, Horton, TX |
b. 29 Dec 1967, Henderson, Rusk, TX |
542 |
d. 25 Nov 1852,
Walker, AL |
d. 12 Jun 1927, Deadwood, TX |
d. 10 Oct 1906, Panola Co. TX |
d. 1 Jan 1976, Marshall, TX |
d. 15 Dec 1981, Carthage, TX |
543 |
m. 1832 Jason C Alexander |
m. 1865 Cora Ann Simmons 1849- |
Alice Amanda Elliott 1886-1906 |
m. William Lloyd
Briggs |
m. Anna Mae Jones |
544 |
m. 1874 Francis Beatrice Ingram |
m. 1910 Cassie Mae Hudson 1886- |
545 |
John R
Alexander 1905-1928 |
546 |
James Alexander
Hendon 1812-1890 |
Ora Alexander 1884- |
547 |
Elizabeth Adella Hendon 1814-1890 |
Maggie Mae Alexander 1885-1970 |
Madie Alexander
1908- |
548 |
Lucinda Hendon 1816-1888 |
James T.
Alexander 1888-1971 |
549 |
John Robinson
Hendon 1818- |
Robinson Alexander 1890- |
Fred D
Alexander 1913- |
550 |
Wiley Johnson Hendon 1820-1860 |
Mary Frances Alexander 1892-1993 |
551 |
Hartsfield Hendon 1823-1862 |
Ola B. Alexander 1894-1969 |
Erby Lee
Alexander 1915-1995 |
552 |
Lola C. Alexander 1894-1971 |
553 |
554 |
Isham Hendon
Jr |
John A
"Jack" Hendon 1815-1885 |
555 |
b. 1783, Wake, NC |
556 |
d. 1871, Atlanta, GA |
Sarah Hendon 1822-1910 |
William Isham
Ellis 1857-1943 |
557 |
m. 1803 Salley Murray 1781-1825 |
558 |
Caroline Hendon |
Elizabeth Ellis |
Sallie L
Norris |
John Beck
Hall |
Tannerl4 |
1 |
559 |
b. 10 Apr 1825, GA |
b. 16 Oct 1864 |
b. 7 Feb 1894, GA |
b. 20 Nov 1918,
Atlanta, GA |
560 |
Keziah Hendon
1785-1850 |
d. 27 Oct 1910,
Fulton, GA |
d. 11 May 1920 |
d. 19 Apr 1983, Cobb,
GA |
d. 19 Mar 1975, Doraville, GA |
561 |
Cynthia Hendon
1773-1836 |
m. 1855 John Ellis 1824-1905 |
m. Robert Jethro Norris 1850-1926 |
m. Thomas Luther Hall 1888-1955 |
m. Ida Mae Davis 1915-2010 |
562 |
Mary Polly Hendon 1774-1822 |
563 |
564 |
Andrew Hendon
1800-1847 |
Exie Ellis
1879-1963 |
565 |
Hendon 1803-1841 |
Sarah Ellis |
566 |
567 |
John Paul Hartsfield 1757-1788 |
568 |
569 |
Hartsfield |
Absa Hartsfield |
Mariam Hartsfield |
(Surviller) Hartsfield |
Nell Laminack |
William Eugene Connell |
Private |
carrieannbaade |
1 |
570 |
b. 14 May 1717, Philadelphia, PA |
b. 5 Apr 1763, Johnston Co. NC |
b. 19 Jul 1831, SC |
b. 5 Aug 1860, GA |
b. 1901, TX |
b. 5 Nov 1926, Greenwood, LA |
571 |
d. 3 Jan 1792, Lenoir,
NC |
d. 19 Jan 1865,
Campbell, GA |
d. 31 Jan 1901, Wood,
TX |
d. 31 Jul 1930, Wood Co. TX |
d. 3 Nov 1952, Caddo,
LA |
d. 1 Feb 1998, Greenwood, LA |
572 |
m. 1750 to Sarah Sallie Sims |
m. 1805 to Clementine Smith |
m. 1856 Charlotte Beggs 1838-1902 |
m. 1879 William Elmore Laminack |
m. 1919 to Curtis
Judson Connell |
573 |
b. 1748 |
574 |
d. 1809 |
Hartsfield 1760-1830 |
575 |
Godfrey Hartsfield |
576 |
George Hartsfield 1718- |
b. 5 Apr 1763, d. 13
Jan 1846 |
577 |
578 |
Samuel Hartsfield 1765- |
579 |
580 |
David Hartsfield 1735-1795 |
581 |
582 |
583 |
584 |
585 |
586 |
587 |
Private John
Hartsfield |
John Hartsfield
1794-1876 |
588 |
b. 1741, Baltimore Co. MD |
Richard Hartsfield
1805-1891 |
589 |
d. 4 Apr 1821, Johnston, NC |
Andrew Hartsfield 1821- |
590 |
m. 22 Feb 1790 Polly Tinsley |
591 |
b. about 1769,
Surry Co. NC |
592 |
d. after 1821 |
593 |
m. 22 Feb 1770 Mary Riley |
594 |
b. 1762, Wake Co. NC |
595 |
d. 1848, Wake, NC |
596 |
Various relationships |
aka: Polly Tresley |
597 |
for Mary / Polly Tresley |
598 |
599 |
Hartfield |
William Anderson Hartfield 1797- |
600 |
b. about 1757, NC[16] |
Benjamin H G
Hartsfield 1798-1854 |
601 |
John Riley |
Mary Riley |
d. |
George W Hartfield 1805- |
602 |
b. about 1700 |
b. 1762, Wake, NC |
m. 22 Feb 1790 Polly Tinsley |
Andrew Hartfield 1810- |
603 |
d. 1760, Chichester,
PA |
d. 1848, Wake, NC |
b. about 1769, Surry Co. NC |
Margaret Ann Hartfield 1812- |
604 |
m. Sarah Hair |
m. John Hartsfield |
d. after 1821 |
Henry Hartfield 1814- |
605 |
b. 1702 |
aka: Polly Tresley |
Elizabeth Hartfield 1816- |
606 |
607 |
608 |
609 |
Hartsfield |
George Hartsfield |
Hartfield |
Rev. Samuel
Asa Hartfield |
610 |
b. 3 Jan 1713, Philadelphia, PA |
b. 3 Feb 1743, Craven, NC |
b. 6 Dec 1770, Wake, NC |
b. 1802, Horry, Horry,
SC |
611 |
d. 11 Nov 1761, Wake Co. NC |
d. 12 Nov 1808 ,
Wilkes, GA |
d. 1839, Perry, MS |
d. 1860, Marion, MS |
612 |
marriage 1734,
Baltimore, MD |
m. Sarah Sims 1745-1815 |
m. 22 Feb 1790 Polly Tresley |
m. 1833 Nancy Olive Fillingame 1815- |
613 |
m. 1736 Sarah Lynn |
b. 1775, Wake, NC |
614 |
b. 1717, Baltimore, MD |
d. MS |
615 |
d. Mar 1759,
Johnston Co. NC |
616 |
617 |
Andrew Hartsfield 1771- |
618 |
Richard Hartsfield 1775- |
619 |
William Turner Hartsfield 1793- |
620 |
Andrew Hartsfield 1794-1840 |
621 |
John Hartsfield 1794-1876 |
622 |
Benjamin Hartsfield 1795- |
623 |
624 |
Hartsfield |
Hartsfield |
Sarah DePriest Johns |
Lucy A Ingram |
Birdie Nell Jernigan |
Clyde Elliott Jr. |
Private |
625 |
b. 4 Sep 1751, Wake, NC |
b. 4 Oct 1801, Wake
Co.NC |
b. 5 Mar 1825, NC |
b. 21 Dec 1863 |
b. 20 Dec 1901,
Panola Co. TX |
b. 29 Sep 1924, Grand Saline, TX |
626 |
d. 4 Apr 1821, Johnson, NC |
d. 17 Oct 1875, Winnsboro, TX |
d. 2 Jul 1882,
Panola, TX |
d. 1 Jan 1932, Panola Co. TX |
d. 27 Nov 1978, Canton, TX |
d. 15 Jan 1994, Van Zandt, TX |
627 |
marriage 22 Feb 1790, Wake Co. NC |
marriage 29 Nov 1819,
Wake, NC |
628 |
m. 22 Feb 1790 Mary "Polly" Riley |
m. Jesse Burton Johns |
629 |
b. about 1756, Wake, NC |
b. 12 Nov 1794,
Campbell Co. VA |
630 |
d. Dec 1854, Wake Co. NC [17] |
d. 3 Nov 1879, Winnsboro, TX |
631 |
aka: Polly Tresley |
26 |
632 |
Cynthia Hartsfield |
Addison Blake,
1827- |
633 |
b. 29 Dec1796, Wake, NC |
634 |
d. 19 Feb 1880, Gibson, TN |
635 |
m. 26 Jan 1814 Asa Blake, 1795-1850 |
636 |
637 |
David Hartsfield 1797- |
638 |
Kezeah Katherine Hartsfield 1798-1834 |
639 |
Lovis H Hartsfield 1799-1866 |
640 |
Richard Hartsfield 1805-1891 |
641 |